Monday, June 04, 2007


So Friday I went to the hospital for a biopsy of a nasty lesion on my foot that I brought back to North America as a souvenir. Somewhere in the bowels of South Asia,I contracted some sort of voodoo foot fungus that seems impervious to all modes of treatment.

I expected Dr. Kim to take a little shaving off the top since it's a skin problem, but she went to the trouble of freezing my foot, and much to my suprise, took out quite a chunk.

"Nice work, Shylock. I guess I can consider my debt repaid".

Five stiches later, I'm playing the waiting game and hobbbling around on my frankenfoot. There's a bunion on top of the knuckle of my big toe that looks like a carriage bolt, an ulcerous rash, and now a gnarly scar adorned with several stitches.

I'm halfway expecting more respectable feet to show up at the door with torches and pitchforks.
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