Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Northward To Reality

John Kerry was taken to task during the U.S. presidential election for overstating the cost of the war in Iraq. The talking heads pointed to the fact that the cost of the war at that time was around 130 Billion, and that the figure Kerry cited was 200 million. What they neglected to mention was that,at that time, Bush had requested an additional 80 million. According to their line of reasoning, the money wasn't actually spent yet, so it didn't count. Kerry was portrayed as pessimistic and defeatist in his attitude toward the war. Now, a few months later, we're spending an additional 160 billion on the war, but the mainstream media in the U.S. is loath to mention it. In order to understand the cold stark reality, you have to read about it in the Toronto Star, the Guardian, or some other non-American paper.

WASHINGTON - U.S. President George W. Bush will ask Congress for another $80 billion for the war in Iraq, bringing the price tag for that invasion and ongoing operations in Afghanistan close to $300 billion, six times the original White House estimate.

The total is well beyond the estimate of $200 billion (U.S.) put forward by onetime White House economic adviser Larry Lindsey — subsequently dismissed for his forecast — and is the number Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld once derided as "baloney" on network television

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