Friday, October 14, 2005

Worst Halloween Costume Ever

Last year, I unexpectedly won second place in the "Best Costume: Male" category at Don and Janet's annual Halloween bash. Laurie went as Tanya Harding, and I dressed up as Nancy Kerrigan (after considerable badgering, I might add).

To me, the fact that anyone even remembered Harding's whack job on Kerrigan ten years later in 2004 seemed odd, but then again, this is Canada, a nation with a long and illustrious tradition in ice skating, and a fondness for the cross-dressing comedy stylings of The Kids in the Hall.

In the Livery's production of MacBeth this past summer, I had the pleasure of being gorrified by Heather, who skillfully applied a six-inch latex gash across my throat and doused me in stage blood night after night. My creepy appearance was enhanced by my real-life inspiration--Terry Schaivo. After the first performance, rather than glowering with a downcast expression as is the custom, I swayed my head slightly as an infant would-- as if my neck muscles were partially severed, and let my eyes wander, never settling for very long on any fixed point. As a result, gasps were heard in the audience when I turned around to face the fiendlike pretender-king. It was great fun.

This year, thanks to Mark A. Rayner of the Skwib, I'm thinking of going as Gabe Kaplan. Check out his reference to "The Worst Halloween Costumes Ever".

What are your Halloween plans? What was your worst costume ever? Photos, please!
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