Monday, September 11, 2006

Five Years Later: The State of the States

...Did the United States commemorate the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1946?

My guess is that the fifth anniversary of Pearl Harbor wasn't front page news at the time for the simple reason that it wasn't the dominant event in the American psyche then that September 11th is now. The war that began for the U.S. the day after "the day that will live in infamy" was over less than four years after it started. In '46 people were still busy celebrating the end of WWII.

Five years on after you-know-what, you can't escape the Katrina-like deluge of 9/11 retrospectives.

What a sad commentary that is on the state of the States: Five years later there are no victories to celebrate; there's no benevolent Marshall plan paving the way for peace and prosperity. Instead, there's only a Orwellian war-without-end of our own making, and a media fixated on a day of tragedy.

I remember my VFW Uncles proudly proclaiming "Americans don't start wars, we finish 'em"...Yeah, right. I'm glad you guys aren't alive to see this.

Thanks, Republicans, for replacing that shiny copper Lady Liberty with a freshly-baked turd sandwich.
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