Sunday, February 04, 2007

You Got Yer Money's Worth the first twenty minutes. The next three hours were on the house.

On Saturday, Laurie and I spent a rare night out on the town at the Livery where we witnessed the triumphant return of Kati Durst, our hometown Canadian Idol finalist.

Although Kati is a wonderful singer, nobody thought she'd go as far as she did due to the fact that she's more Lillith Fair/Liz Fair than Hillary Duff/Pop Fluff. By performing songs like "I'm Not Ready to Make Nice" by the Dixie Chicks, Kati sealed her doom as a would-be pop princess but kept true to herself.

The night was billed as "Kati Durst and Friends", and it seems that the pride of Goderich sprang forth from fertile soil. Our town isn't some formaldehyde tank from which pod people like Justin Timberlake and Jessica Simpson emerge, it's a place where skilled musicians hone their craft in barns, basements, and garages.

The show began with country classics played by the Legion All Stars, and ended with classic blues by the London-based TW and the All Stars. Inbetween the respective all stars, Craig Harrison and the Empty Threats played nasty, gritty rock, and Sutherland played the best cover of "Miss You" I've ever heard. Any band can play "Satisfaction", but very few have a bassist willing to tackle the funky bass lines of "Exile on Mainstreet"--the Stones at their sleazy, pimpy seventies best.

When TW and the All Stars hit the stage, my first impression was that I was looking at a blues version of Spinal Tap. The drummer was reminiscent of Derek Smalls with his Fu Manchu,Harley skullcap and Owen Wilson schnoz, the bassist looked like a hyper-annuated Harry Potter, and TW completed the ensemble with his steetstreeper mustache and ratty fedora. All of them looked like they had been drinking burbon since they had been able to hold a sippy cup. But man, could they play--those grizzled verterans produced the musical equivalent of God clearing his throat--which, when it comes to blues, is a good thing.

Thanks, Katie, for bringing the music back home, and for bringing your home to your music!

There's only one band that could've made the show any better...

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